TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction 4History and taxonomy of the genusMalassezia 5Biological characteristics ofMalasseziaorganisms 5Structure 5Reproduction 6Biochemistry 6Distribution ofMalasseziaorganisms on the host 6Immunological and epidermal responses toMalasseziaorganisms 7The immune response toMalasseziaorganisms 7Antigen release, penetration and presentation 8Cell‐mediated immune responses 8IgG, IgM and IgA responses toMalasseziaorganisms 9IgE responses toMalasseziaorganisms 10Mast cell responses 11Epidermal responses associated withMalasseziadermatitis 12Malasseziaorganisms as pathogens in humans and animals 13Diseases associated withMalasseziaspp. in humans 13Pityriasis versicolor 13Malasseziafolliculitis 13Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff 14Atopic dermatitis 14Malasseziafungaemia 14Diseases associated withMalasseziaspp. in animals 15Malasseziadermatitis in dogs 15Predisposing factors for overgrowth ofMalassezia pachydermatis 15Pathogenesis 16Clinical features 16Diagnosis 17Treatment 18Conclusions 19References 19