The origin of tiny neutrino mass is an unsolved puzzle leading to a variety of phenomenological aspects beyond the Standard Model (BSM). We consider U(1) gauge extension of the Standard Model (SM) where so-called seesaw mechanism is incarnated with the help of thee generations of Majorana type right-handed neutrinos followed by the breaking of U(1) and electroweak gauge symmetries providing anomaly free structure. In this framework, a neutral BSM gauge boson Z′ is evolved. To explore the properties of its interactions we consider chiral (flavored) frameworks where Z′ interactions depend on the handedness (generations) of the fermions. In this paper we focus on Z′-neutrino interactions which could be probed from cosmic explosions. We consider νν¯→e+e- process which can energize gamma-ray burst (GRB221009A, so far the highest energy) through energy deposition. Hence estimating these rates we constrain U(1) gauge coupling (gX) and Z′ mass (MZ′) under Schwarzchild (Sc) and Hartle-Thorne (HT) scenarios. We also study ν-DM scattering through Z′ to constrain gX-MZ′ plane using IceCube data considering high energy neutrinos from cosmic blazar (TXS0506+056), active galaxy (NGC1068), the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and the Lyman-α data, respectively. Finally highlighting complementarity we compare our results with current and prospective bounds on gX-MZ′ plane from scattering, beam-dump and g-2 experiments. [PICS code].
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