Motivated by the large dataset to be accumulated of hyperon pairs produced in decays of $\mathcal{O}(10^{10})$ $J/\psi$ and $\psi^\prime$ charmonia states in the BES-III collaboration, we revisited the predictions of $\Delta L=2$ decays of hyperons $B^-_i\to B^+_f\ell^-\ell'^-$ in the one-loop model mechanism involving Majorana neutrinos previously presented in \cite{Barbero:2002wm}. Unlike the previous work, by modeling the momentum transfer dependence of the hyperon form factors in the computation we provide finite results for the loop integration. Furthermore, since we keep finite masses for the neutrinos throughout the calculations, we are able to consider the effects of heavy Majorana neutrinos. Thus, our results are applied to a simple model that involves two Majorana heavy neutrinos in the framework of a low-scale seesaw model. In order to provide and compare additional predictions, we study an alternative model where $\Delta L=2$ decays are induced by the short-range effects of a scalar boson coupled to di-leptons.
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