ABSTRACT Research question Recently, innovative new trend and adventure sports like Tough Mudder or adventure races have benefitted from a steady increase in popularity, participation and media attention, leading to spill-over effects of multiple, repeat or even copy-cat events (Antchak et al., 2021, Understanding the core elements of event portfolio strategy: lessons from Auckland and Dunedin. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(7), 2447–2464. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-09-2020-1022 ; Parent & Ruetsch, 2020, Managing Major Sports Events. Theory and Practice. Routledge; Raj et al., 2017, Events Management. Principles and Practice. SAGE; Yeoman et al., 2014, The Future of Events & Festivals. Routledge). How does this occur? This paper provides an answer to this question, explaining how these developments are fueled by the individualization and pluralization of lifestyles and accelerated by mediatization and eventization? Conceptual approach Selected trend sport cases are analyzed in order to gain insight and understanding about the hype surrounding these competitive, event-oriented, close-to-nature races that are inclusive, and overwhelmingly appealing to almost everyone. Based on existing literature, the paper presents a conceptual framework which can be used for further research. Discussion The high degree of inclusivity observed in these sports is made possible by the advancement of digital technologies and intensified by the metaprocesses of mediatization and eventization, reflecting the tendency of post-modern societies to stage everything. As athletes, participants, spectators and general public engage with these activities and share their experiences online, it gives rise to further interesting opportunities to join in and participate. Implications This conceptual paper presents a theoretical framework enabling practitioners to better understand the driving forces of mediatization and eventization for the development of trend and adventure sports, and their potential for tourism development and strategic destination management. The article concludes with the formulation of research questions and possible directions for future research.