AbstractOrogenic gold deposits have formed over more than 3 billion years of Earth’s history, episodically during the MiddleArchean to younger Precambrian, and continuously throughout the Phanerozoic. This class of gold deposit is characteristi-cally associated with deformed and metamorphosed mid-crustal blocks, particularly in spatial association with major crustalstructures. A consistent spatial and temporal association with granitoids of a variety of compositions indicates that melts andfluids were both inherent products of thermal events during orogenesis. Including placer accumulations, which arecommonly intimately associated with this mineral deposit type, recognized production and resources from economicPhanerozoic orogenic-gold deposits are estimated at just over one billion ounces gold. Exclusive of the still-controversialWitwatersrand ores, known Precambrian gold concentrations are about half this amount.The recent increased applicability of global paleo-reconstructions, coupled with improved geochronology from most ofthe world’s major gold camps, allows for an improved understanding of the distribution pattern of orogenic gold in spaceand time. There are few well-preserved blocks of Middle Archean mid-crustal rocks with gold-favorable, high-strain shearzones in generally low-strain belts. The exception is the Kaapvaal craton where a number of orogenic gold deposits arescattered through the Barberton greenstone belt. A few )3.0 Ga crustal fragments also contain smaller gold systems in theUkrainian shield and the Pilbara craton. If the placer model is correct for the Witwatersrand goldfields, then it is possiblethat an exceptional Middle Archean orogenic-gold lode-system existed in the Kaapvaal craton at one time. The latter half ofthe Late Archean ca. 2.8–2.55 Ga was an extremely favorable period for orogenic gold-vein formation, and resulting oresŽ.preserved in mid-crustal rocks contain a high percentage of the world’s gold resource. Preserved major goldfields occur ingreenstone belts of the Yilgarn craton e.g., Kalgoorlie , Superior province e.g., Timmins , Dharwar craton e.g., Kolar ,Ž. Ž . Ž.Zimbabwe craton e.g., Kwekwe , Slave craton e.g., Yellowknife , Sao Francisco craton e.g., Quadrilatero Ferrifero , andŽ. Ž . Ž .Tanzania craton e.g., Bulyanhulu , with smaller deposits exposed in the Wyoming craton and Fennoscandian shield. SomeŽ.workers also suggest that the Witwatersrand ores were formed from hydrothermal fluids in this period.The third global episode of orogenic gold-vein formation occurred at ca. 2.1–1.8 Ga, as supracrustal sedimentary rocksequences became as significant hosts as greenstones for the gold ores. Greenstone–sedimentary rock sequences nowexposed in interior Australia, northwestern Africarnorthern South America, Svecofennia, and the Canadian shield were the
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