The article provides an analytical review of the judicial practice of application of criminal law consequences for violation of traffic safety rules or operation of vehicles by persons driving vehicles as prescribed by law. The analysis is based on judicial decisions in cases of violation of road safety rules or operation of transport by persons driving vehicles (Article 286 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), which are available in the Unified State Register of Judicial Decisions, as well as generalizations of the case law of the highest judicial body. There are grounds to conclude that the courts are usually guided by the legislatively defined general principles of sentencing (Article 65 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), although there are some decisions in which such requirements are not met (for example, sentencing not within the sanction of the article providing for the committed criminal offense without any grounds for “going beyond” the sanction of the article). At the same time, due to legislative uncertainty, the characteristics that characterize the perpetrator are sometimes recognized as mitigating circumstances; courts arbitrarily mitigate liability in the presence of such circumstances. It should be noted that the practice of exemption from serving a sentence with probation (Article 75 of the CC of Ukraine) for a qualified violation of the rules of road safety or operation of transport by persons driving vehicles (Part 2 of Article 286 of the CC of Ukraine), namely in more than 90% of the analyzed proceedings, is much more widespread than for a simple violation of the same (Part 1 of Article 286 of the CC of Ukraine), namely in approximately 30% of proceedings. Such law enforcement situation is caused by legislatively unbalanced sanctions for different corpus delicti of the same criminal offense, namely, the lack of alternative to the main punishment of imprisonment in part 2 of Article 286 of the CC of Ukraine. The legislative indication of additional punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to drive vehicles as mandatory in part 1 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (simple violation of the rules of road safety or operation of transport by persons driving vehicles) and optional in part 2 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (qualified violation of the rules of road safety or operation of transport by persons driving vehicles) also does not contribute to justice and equality of responsibility before the law. In general, the review is aimed at promoting the formation of a unified law enforcement framework for determining the criminal consequences of violations of road safety rules or operation of vehicles by persons driving vehicles by the courts. However, there are legislative shortcomings that have a negative impact on court practice and can only be eliminated by the legislator.
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