Biologically active feed additives of plant origin (phytobiotics) contribute to the correction of the digestion process, affect the immunity of rabbits, as a result of optimizing the protective functions of the body, and ensure the greatest manifestation of genetic potential by animals. In the context of the above, the implementation of programs for the qualitative improvement of domestic rabbit breeds according to the determinants that form the high biological and nutritional value of products depends on the level of influence of many genotypic and paratypic factors that change significantly over time. One of the most important factors is feeding conditions. It was established that the simultaneous use of a phytosupplement made of dioecious nettle by the kindle of the III group via organism mother's and orally from the 21st day after birth made it possible to increase their live weight in all periods of growth, and on the 90th day this difference reached 14,3 and 7.7 % against peers of the II and I groups. At the age of 120 days, according to the live weight index, they probably exceeded the animals of the II group by 196.5 g or 8,5 % (р<0.001) and the I group – by 166.5 g or 7.1 % (р<0.001). Feeding control is carried basing on the blood parameters, which, in combination with other parameters of the body, make it possible to detect imperceptible changes in organs and tissues, as well as to have an idea of the functional state of both individual organs and the general condition of the animal. Nevertheless, the obtained information provides controllability of the processes that affect the productivity of animals. As part of the research, it was found that the main hematological parameters of the blood of young rabbits of all groups were within the physiological norm during the experiment.On the other hand, at the beginning of the experiment, peripheral blood samples of group III young animals were characterized by a slightly higher content of erythrocytes by 3.6 and 8.0%, hemoglobin by 1.5 and 6.3%, and total protein concentration by 1.8 and 1.5% , albumins – by 1.9 and 3.4% and globulins – by 1.1 and 2.6 %. Feeding the young with a phytosupplement during the natal and post-embryonic period led to an increase in the level of almost all blood components in the blood, but their values did not exceed 9.0% (0.9–8.6%), with no probable difference between the groups, except for the content of erythrocytes, where the difference between animals of III and II groups was 10.5%, with a statistically significant difference between them at the level of p<0.05. The results of the conducted research reveal new opportunities for realizing the genetic potential of the young rabbits productivity by including into their diet the phytosupplement of plant origin – dioecious nettle. Keywords: young, dioecious nettle, live weight, blood parameters, average daily increase.
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