A field experiment entitled, “Evaluation of rabi onion genotypes for storage characteristics (six month period)” was conducted during rabi season, 2017-18 at “Scheme for Research on Onion Storage”, Department of Horticulture, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri. Dist. Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) India. The experiment was carried out in Randomized Block Design with seventeen genotypes and one check variety i.e. N-2-4-1 treatments replicated three times. In storage studies results indicated that, the minimum storage losses (Sprouting losses (%), Rotting losses (%), PLW losses (%) & Total losses) were recorded by the genotypes T7, T11 and T10.The minimum sprouting losses (after 6 month storage) was recorded in genotype T11 (1.41 %). It was followed by genotype viz. T7 and T10 (1.51 %). The maximum sprouting losses (after 6 month storage) was recorded in genotype T17 (4.06 %). Rotting losses (after 6 month storage) ranged between T11 (3.19) to T4 (7.46) per cent. The minimum PLW loss was recorded in genotype T7 (14.98 %), followed by genotype viz. T11 (15.64 %), T10 (15.85 %) and T6 (17.16 %). The maximum PLW loss was recorded in genotype T17 (33.26 %). The minimum total losses (after 6-month storage) was recorded by genotype T11 (21.34 %). While the maximum total losses (after 6-month storage) was recorded in T4 (36.49 %). Considering the above results, it could be concluded that, among the seventeen genotypes T7 (RHROR–7), T10 (RHROR–10) and T11 (RHROR–11) found promising for further evaluation.
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