Very large discrepancies exist with regard to the spin reorientation transition in TbFe11Ti (see Ref. for a summary of the different results). In this work, this transition is studied by measuring the angular dependence of the parallel (M∥) and perpendicular (M⊥) components of the magnetization to the applied magnetic field in the temperature range of 4.2–330 K and applied magnetic fields ranging from 2 to 15 kOe. This method allows an accurate determination of the easy magnetization direction to be made, i.e., the maximum value of M∥ and the zero value of M⊥. The experimental results have undoubtedly established that the compound is easy plane below 260 K and easy axis above 320 K. Within this intermediate range of temperature the easy magnetization direction lies along a nonmajor symmetry direction making an angle θ with the c axis. This angle depends on the applied magnetic field and the magnetic history of the sample. This fact can be understood on the basis of the existence of a first-order spin reorientation transition at TSR≊320 K from easy axis to easy plane. Within the temperature region 206–320 K both phases (axial and planar) coexist with relative volumes depending on the applied magnetic field and the magnetic history. This gives rise to a macroscopic conical structure. Such behavior has already been observed in DyFe11Ti.
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