We study the ensemble of pseudo-spin 1/2 ultracold bosons, performing Lévy flights, confined in a parabolic potential. The (pseudo-) spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is additionally imposed on these particles. We consider the structure and dynamics of macroscopic pseudospin qubits based on Bose-Einstein condensates, obtained from the above "fractional" bosons. Under "fractional" we understand the substitution of the ordinary second derivative (kinetic energy term) in the Gross-Pitaevskii equationby a so-called fractional Laplacian, characterized by the Lévy index μ. We show that the joint action of interparticle interaction, SOC, and Zeeman splitting in a synthetic magnetic field makes the dynamics of corresponding qubit highly nontrivial with evident chaotic features at both strong interactions and Lévy indices μ→1 when the Lévy trajectories of bosons with long jumps dominated over those derived from ordinary Gaussian distribution, corresponding to μ=2. Using analytical and numerical arguments, we discuss the possibilities to control the above qubit using the synergy of SOC, interaction strength, and "fractionality," characterized by the Lévy index μ.