Bipartite charge fluctuations (BCFs) have been introduced to provide an experimental indication of many-body entanglement. They have proved themselves to be a very efficient and useful tool to characterize quantum phase transitions in a variety of quantum models conserving the total number of particles (or magnetization for spin systems) and can be measured experimentally. We study the BCFs in generic one-dimensional ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ (topological) models including the Kitaev superconducting wire model, the Ising chain, or various topological insulators such as the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. The considered charge (either the fermionic number or the relative density) is no longer conserved, leading to macroscopic fluctuations of the number of particles. We demonstrate that at phase transitions characterized by a linear dispersion, the BCFs probe the change in a winding number that allows one to pinpoint the transition and corresponds to the topological invariant for standard models. Additionally, we prove that a subdominant logarithmic contribution is still present at the exact critical point. Its quantized coefficient is universal and characterizes the critical model. Results are extended to the Rashba topological nanowires and to the $XYZ$ model.