Hard X-ray ptychography has become an indispensable tool for observing the microscopic structure of a thick specimen. It measures diffraction patterns by scanning an X-ray beam and visualizes the complex-valued refractive index of the specimen by a computational reconstruction called phase retrieval. The quality of imaging is dependent on the used phase-retrieval algorithm, especially when the intensity of the diffraction patterns in the high-spatial-frequency range is low and/or when the spatial overlap of the illumination area is small. In this paper, a phase-retrieval algorithm, AMPAM, based on the Poisson model and total variation (TV) is proposed. It applies alternating minimization using primal-dual splitting and gradient-descent algorithms to compute the result without matrix inversion. The imaging capability of the proposed algorithm from low-dose and/or sparsely scanned data was investigated by numerical simulations. The proposed algorithm was compared with ADPr, which is the state-of-the-art algorithm based on the TV-regularized Poisson model. The results indicated that AMPAM can provide good-quality images with a computational cost 7–11 times less than ADPr. In addition, ink toner and macroporous silica particles were imaged at SPring-8 BL24XU to confirm the applicability of the algorithm to actual measurements.
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