Seasonal breeding mammals exhibit a reversible annual cycle of fertility, and thus represent valuable models for investigating the organization of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) neurons which mediate the neuroendocrine control of reproduction. Electron microscopic immunocytochemistry was used to examine the ultrastructure of LHRH neurons and their projections in a seasonal breeder, the golden hamster, housed under photoperiodic conditions which are reproductively stimulatory. LHRH perikarya in the diagonal band, medial septum, and preoptic area were bipolar or unipolar cells which possessed nuclei with prominent indentations and multiple nucleoli. LHRH reaction product within these cells was associated with neurosecretory granules and the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), particularly those portions of RER adjacent to the outer nuclear envelope. LHRH cell bodies and dendrites in the hamster received an extremely limited amount of synaptic input; of a total of twenty-five cells analyzed, we found only five instances of morphologically identified synapses onto immunoreactive dendrites. Occasionally close somatic appositions were seen between LHRH cells and non-immunoreactive neurons, and in one instance between two LHRH somas. In the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT), LHRH fibers appeared as isolated strings of varicosities. In contrast, within the median eminence immunoreactive axonal profiles were frequently bundled together in fascicles although synaptic specializations were not observed between individual axons. The existence of contacts between LHRH axons in the median eminence, coupled with the extreme paucity of synaptic inputs onto LHRH neurons in this species, suggests that the median eminence may be a site where neural or hormonal signals could influence the coordinated release of LHRH from cells of dispersed origin.
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