Gridhrasi is defined as vata vyadhi characterised by radiating pain from lumbo-sacral region (spik-katipurva) through thigh, knee, calf and foot (uru, janu, jangha, pada). The disease Gridhrasi described in Ayurveda and Sciatica described in western medical textbooks have absolute similarity in their manifestation. Low back ache is one of the most common clinical symptoms experienced by substantial portion of the population.It can be conveniently concluded that these two represent the same disease.The estimated life time incidence of sciatica is around 13% -40% of total population. Annual incidence of an episode of sciatica ranges from 1%-5%. The high prevalence of sciatica varies considerably, ranging from 1.6% in general population to 40% in selected working population. Considering all these the present study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of dashamoola niruha basti with bhadradarvadi gana kashaya basti in gridhrasi. Objectives:To compare the efficacy of dashamoola niruha basti followed by moolakadi thaila as anuvasana basti with bhadradarvadi gana kashaya basti followed by anuvasanabasti with prasarini thaila in the management of Gridhrasi. Materials and Methods: Total 40 subjects with 20 in each group.The interventions wereas follows, Group ADashamoola niruha basti followed by moolakadithaila as anuvasana basti. Group B Niruha with bhadradarvadi gana kashaya basti followed by anuvasana basti with prasarini thaila (in yoga basti pattern) in the management of Gridhrasi.The data was collected on 0th day, after the intervention i.e. on 9th day and after the completion of follow-up period i.e. on 25th day. Result: Group A and Group B showed equal statistical significance with assessment parameters like Ruk, Stambha, SLR test, Bragards sign, Sciatica bothersome index scale value with the significance P value of 0.005. On comparison, between the groups there was non-significant results found. Hence, both the groups were effective in reducing the symptoms of Gridhrasi. The overall study revealed that the selected intervention has showed significant results in the management of Gridhrasi vis-a-vis Sciatica.
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