Idiopathic achalasia is a primary esophageal motor disorder characterized byesophageal aperistalsis and abnormal lower esophageal sphincter relaxation in responseto deglutition. Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder, which amongst other symptomspresents with self-induced vomiting after repetitive episodes of binge eating in order toprevent weight gain. The present study reports the case of a female patient initiallydiagnosed with bulimia nervosa, after ruling out an etiology of organic cause throughlab tests and endoscopy. The patient was referred to a nutrologyst for treating the eatingdisorder, and after nutritional evaluation, she received nutritional supplementation dueto severe dysphagia, regurgitation and weight loss. As diagnostic criteria of bulimianervosa were not met, a further investigation was conducted, which eventuallyconfirmed idiopathic achalasia through two specific tests: digitalesophagogastroduodenal seriography, and esophageal manometry. Chagas disease, themajor cause of idiopathic achalasia in Brazil, was ruled out by specific lab test. In viewof the severity of the disease, the patient underwent urgent cardiomyotomy andfundoplication. Later, balloon dilators were also used in two occasions. After sixteenmonths of medical and nutrology follow-up, the patient now is in good nutritional statusand was able to go back to her daily activities and healthy lifestyle.