Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) spectroscopy is an effectively well-established analytical technique in the low projectile mass (Z < 3) regime. This is in part due to the availability of fairly accurate theoretical models of fundamental interaction parameters such as the X-ray production cross section (XPCS). Continual development of widely used theoretical models such as the ECPSSR theory with adapted corrections in the United Atom limit (UA), Electron Capture (EC) and Multiple Ionisation (MI); requires a rich database of experimental X-ray production cross sections. Beyond the scope of proton PIXE, validated reliable theoretical models may be useful for the accurate approximation of heavy ion induced X-ray production cross sections for Heavy Ion PIXE. This requires persistent efforts aimed at contributing to the currently sparse heavy ion induced X-ray production cross section database. In this work, we report on a new experimental dataset of low energy XPCS in the 0.3 MeV/u – 1.0 MeV/u ion velocity range in Cr, Ni, Ge, Mo, Sn, W, Au and Bi due to proton and 28Siq + ion impact, with an aim at enriching and updating the current database.