To leverage the exceptional turbulence merits of the square fractal grid, including bespoke turbulence enhancement and dissipation variation, we investigated a modified square fractal grid(SFG) with a 70% blockage ratio within a low swirl injector framework for gas turbine systems. In the non-reactive flow field of pre-dump regions, we analysed turbulence characteristics such as velocity, intensity, and isotropy across various reduction ratios of bar thickness(RRBT). Results indicate that increasing RRBT enhances turbulence intensity, highlighting the SFG’s bespoke turbulence ability. This contrasts with findings from cross-fractal grid studies, highlighting the SFG’s unique properties. Turbulence dissipation, assessed through integral and Taylor micro scale lengths, revealed that RRBTs shift the dissipation coefficient from Richardson–Kolmogorov equilibrium to a non-equilibrium state, strongly correlating with the Reynolds number based on mesh size. In the reactive flow field, SFG-modulated turbulence resulted in distinct flame shapes, including bowl and W-shapes. The turbulence intensity at RRBT 1.0 notably impacted the reactive flow, with fluctuations 1.7 times higher than at RRBT 0.6. Despite these variations, all SFGs maintained self-similarity, which is crucial for stable low-swirl flame stabilisation. Three distinct turbulence-local displacement turbulent flame speed model—conventional, transitional, and magnified—were integrated into a single model that correlates well with turbulence fluctuations and grid parameters. Furthermore, SFGs significantly reduced NOx emissions across various equivalence ratios. Overall, these findings highlight the pivotal role of fractal grids in shaping both non-reactive and reactive flow fields, emphasising their potential to enhance bespoke turbulence control, reinforce the flame speed, and reduce emissions in low-swirl combustors.
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