The adder circuit is basic component of arithmetic logic design and that is the most important block of processor architecture. Moreover, power consumption is the main concern for real-time digital systems. In recent times, carbon nanotube field effect transistors (CNTFET) used for arithmetic circuit designs with high performance. A creative substitute for highspeed, less power, and small size in area designs is the CNTFET. This paper presents 1- bit full adder with CNTFETs for low power and high performance. Using the computer aided design (CAD) tool the proposed 1-bit full adder design model is simulated using 32 nm with CNTFET technology, a voltage supply of +0.9V. Performance comparisons between various proposed designs and existing 1-bit full adder design have been made in terms of the delay, power, and power delay product (PDP). The proposed CNFET logic also design for n-bit carry look adder (CLA) and compare it to other CLAs to evaluate performance and reliability. The simulation results shows that the proposed adder consume less power than existing adders.