Abstract One of the most astonishing phenomena connected with the chemistry of rubber is the ease with which it absorbs progressively very small percentages of oxygen, and suffers as a result drastic and progressive reduction of its molecular weight. The natural conclusion to be drawn is that the polyisoprene chains of the rubber are undergoing oxidative scission at one after another of their unsaturated centers, so that the original long hydrocarbon chains become divided into smaller and smaller fragments possessing oxygenated ends. Recent estimates of the molecular weight of rubber by viscosity and osmotic methods range from 240,000 to 360,000 for fractions of decreasing solubility in hydrocarbon solvents. If we accept these figures and assume for the moment that two atoms of oxygen are sufficient to sever the hydrocarbon chains at a double bond, then an absorption of only 0.009–0.013 per cent of oxygen (applied, of course, exclusively to scission reactions) should suffice to reduce the average molecular weight to one-half. If the observed reductions of molecular weight are to be ascribed solely to oxidative scission of the chains, then, provided oxygen-consuming side reactions are few, a fairly exact inverse proportionality may be expected to hold between the uptake of oxygen and the average molecular weight of the degraded rubber. The most striking reductions in the molecular weight per unit of oxygen absorbed must, of course, occur at the very early stages of oxidative fission, while the hydrocarbon chains are still very long, and to be able to follow effectively the quantitative relationship between these important reductions and the oxygen uptake, it is necessary to make experimental provision for the absorption, even distribution, and measurement of very minute quantities of oxygen. Minute though the overall proportion of oxygen necessary to produce a substantial reduction in molecular weight appears in practice to be, however, there is no evidence to indicate that the scission reaction ever follows the course most economical in oxygen, i.e.,
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