Abstract To satisfy the infrared detection coverage demands of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites in global missile surveillance, we have devised a comprehensive evaluation system for global missile infrared remote sensing coverage performance. By referencing Walker’s extensive and uninterrupted global coverage constellation layout, we conducted a thorough analysis of various constellation configuration parameters. This analysis aimed to assess the coverage efficiency of differently configured LEO networking satellites. Following a detailed comparative analysis, we settled on an LEO infrared remote sensing constellation configuration featuring an orbit height of 1150 km and an orbit inclination of 60°. After an in-depth examination of the capabilities of the infrared remote sensing constellation and the characteristics of the detection zone, we constructed a Blind Spot Compensation Constellation. This was achieved by integrating four additional LEO satellites with a 0° orbit inclination to bolster coverage in low-latitude regions. Using our comprehensive coverage evaluation system, we rigorously evaluated the ground coverage capabilities of multiple constellations. Notably, the Blind Spot Compensation Constellation achieved impressive coverage, reaching 100%, and excelled particularly in the latitude belt of 20° or less. Although the Original Constellation performed better in the 40° latitude belt compared to the Blind Spot Compensation Constellation, it showed some deficiencies in coverage at a 50 km altitude. Specifically, it averaged 18.417 gaps per day, with a coverage rate slightly below 100%. However, it achieved full coverage at other altitudes. To validate our findings, we conducted scenario simulations. For missile targets, the Original Constellation offered a maximum coverage multiplicity of 6, with a total access duration of 4539.1 seconds. On the other hand, the Blind Spot Compensation Constellation boasted a maximum coverage multiplicity of 8, with a total access duration of 5465.9 seconds. Importantly, both constellations fully covered the missile’s entire 1056-second lifecycle, showcasing commendable performance. In conclusion, the LEO infrared remote sensing constellation and its complementary counterpart, developed and rigorously tested in this study, not only meet the demands of continuous global detection but also cater to the priority detection needs of diverse geographical regions.