A rather simple and non-technical exposition of our new approach to {\em Time, Quantum Physics, Black-Hole dynamics}, and {\em Cosmology}, based on non-critical string theory, is provided. A new fundamental principle, the {\em Procrustean Principle}, that catches the essence of our approach is postulated: the low-energy world is {\em unavoidably} an ``open" system due to the spontaneous truncation of the {\em delocalized, topological} string modes in continuous interaction with the low-lying-{\em localized} string modes. The origin of space-time, the expansion of the Universe, the entropy increase and accompanied irreversibility of time, as well as the collapse of the wavefunction are all very neatly tied together. Possible observable consequences include: quantum relaxation with time of the Universal, fundamental constants, like the velocity of light $c$ and the Planck constant $\hbar$ decreasing towards their asymptotic values, and the cosmological constant $\Lambda_C$ diminishing towards zero; possible violation of {\em CPT} invariance in the $K^0-\bar K^0$ system, possible apparent non-conservation of angular momentum, and possible loss of quantum coherence in SQUID-type experiments.
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