This paper analyzes the beneficial effects on phase detection arising from the motion of an ac-coupled Doppler radar. Indeed, although the presence of an ac coupling stage suppresses the dc offset after the receiver RF output, due to the coupling capacitor, a high-pass behavior is introduced; the presence of a high-pass behavior leads to signal distortion, particularly for low Doppler frequencies, which are typical in many biomedical or industrial applications. Since the target displacement is usually extracted from the phase history, this effect might, in turn, worsen the overall accuracy of the system. Moreover, if the target alternates stationary and moving time intervals, the phase detection step becomes challenging. Indeed, during the stationary time, the output of the RF front-end shows only noise fluctuations that, in turn, result in uncorrelated phases which might be confused with the real target displacement. This negative effect might be avoided by keeping the radar continuously moving, thus exploiting what is usually considered a state that is negative and worthy of attention. In this contribution, this effect is addressed from a different perspective, and ad hoc experimental case studies are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system. This task has been accomplished through theoretical analysis and related experimental activity.
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