We report C, N, O, Si, Al–Mg, K, Ca, and Ti isotopic analyses of presolar graphite grains from the Orgueil CI chondrite. NanoSIMS isotopic measurements were made on 345 grains from seven density fractions, with grain sizes >1μm: low-density grains from OR1b, OR1c, and OR1d; and high-density grains from OR1f, OR1g, OR1h, and OR1i. In all fractions, except OR1b and OR1h, we found presolar graphite as demonstrated by the large range of 12C/13C ratios (4–2480) measured in individual grains. Some isotopic properties are dependent on density: low-density grains contain 18O, 15N, and 28Si excesses, while the majority of high-density grains contain normal N and O, and are generally enriched in 29Si and 30Si. The 15N, 18O, and 28Si excesses and very high derived isotopic ratios for the extinct radionuclides 26Al, 41Ca, and 44Ti in low-density grains indicate an origin from supernovae. In order to explain the isotopic ratios measured in these grains, we present mixing scenarios between different layers of supernovae and discuss the limitations of various theoretical models. Silicon-30 and 12C excesses in high-density grains and lower values for short-lived radionuclides (26Al and 41Ca) indicate an origin in asymptotic giant branch stars with low metallicities. Some supernova grains, with 44Ca excesses, are also present amongst the high-density grains. Grains with low 12C/13C ratios (without evidence for 44Ti) and large excesses in 42,43Ca and 46,47,49,50Ti probably originate from post-asymptotic giant branch stars, that have suffered a very late thermal pulse, and can achieve low 12C/13C ratios and large neutron capture signatures in Ca and Ti isotopes.We conclude that most low-density graphite grains originate from supernovae while high-density graphite grains have multiple stellar sources: low-metallicity and born-again asymptotic giant branch stars, Type II supernovae, and possibly, J-type stars.