Donor-acceptor systems have garnered significant attention in the fields of semiconducting materials and light harvesting.1 Particularly intriguing are porphyrin diads, wherein porphyrins are covalently bonded to nanographenes, forming a dyad with an expected electron transfer from the porphyrin to the nanographene. In our study, we leverage the excellent charge transport properties of Hexabenzocoronene (HBC) in combination with the superior light harvesting capabilities of Cu(II) porphyrins.The steady-state absorption spectra of the dyads exhibit a linear combination of HBC and porphyrin spectra, suggesting a low degree of electronic coupling in the ground state. Femtosecond optical transient absorption spectroscopy (TAS) has been employed to investigate the dynamics of photoexcited states. The TAS spectrum of the dyad displays a first derivative shape of the steady-state absorption, indicative of a photoinduced electron transfer within the system.2 These findings underscore the potential application of these systems as donor-acceptor systems, wherein the Cu(II) porphyrine serves as the source, transferring electrons to the HBC nanographene. This points towards promising applications of this system in photovoltaic devices. Figure 1. A) Cu(II) porphyrine B) Cu (II) porphyrine, HBC and Cu(II) porphyrine-HBC dyad absorption spectra C) Cu (II) porphyrine with C-H chains, HBC and Cu(II) porphyrinewith C-H chains-HBC dyad absorption spectra D)u (II) porphyrine with C-H chains.______________________________________________[1] H. Imahori, T. Umevama, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009, 113, 9029–9039.[2] Shengqiang Xiao; Mohamed E. El-Khouly; Yuliang Li; Zhenhai Gan; Huibiao Liu; Li Jiang; Yasuyuki Araki; Osamu Ito; Daoben Zhu J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 8, 3658–3667 Figure 1