The objective of this article is to present the results of the study conducted on the vulnerable population of the Ecuadorian coast in the development of the low-cost housing project by the Hogar de Cristo Foundation. The main characteristic of this project is the housing project sponsored by the organization Casas del Hogar de Cristo. in the restoration of the Right to have a roof that many families because of poverty and its limitations do not access this Fundamental Righting order to analyze this problem, it is necessary to mention that one of the main causes is unemployment, although those people who generate little income do not have a fixed job, it should be emphasized that these incomes are lower than the basic salary which allows them to subsist without accessing many cases to education, health, in itself to a healthy life. The analysis of this social problem was conducted with the interest of knowing the living conditions and mainly the restrictions of those families on housing issues from the perspective of social assistance for those groups of vulnerable people.