If it can be shown that natural selection favors closer linkage between loci, as is argued by the existence of supergenes, why do we still have chromosomes which cross over ? Fisher (1930) pointed out in a verbal proof that if natural selection favors gametes AB and ab, and disfavors Ab and aB, then at equilibrium the frequency of the favored gametes is decreased by recombination in double heterozygotes (AaBb), so that selection will favor closer linkage between the loci; this has been shown explicitly for special cases by Kimura (1956), Lewontin and Kojima (1960), Haldane (1962), Jain and Allard (1965), Nei (1964), Parsons (1963), and Bodmer (in Bodmer and Parsons, 1962). Recently I have tried to combine the various approaches to the problem of two interacting loci into a single model, mostly without explicit equations, in which Fisher's proof is confirmed; increased linkage is always favored provided that the population is at a stable equilibrium or under particular conditions of change; although sometimes when the population is changing under natural selection, it is looser linkage which is favored. This model includes the case in which the two types of double heterozygote, AB/ab and Ab/aB, have different fitnePsses aorin reduiiced reromhinatinn is favored at the stable equilibrium, but not necessarily while the population is changing (Turner, 1967a). Fisher considered also the problem of why, if interacting loci tend to become more closely linked (as populations will tend to remain near to stable equilibria), the whole genotype does not condense, coagulate, or congeal into one huge pair of chromosomes. His own explanation seems to fail because it cuts both ways-that a new favorable mutation has little chance of establishing itself if closely linked in repulsion with a polymorphic locus does not imply that the conditions most favorable to its spread are looser linkage, but that it should be tightly linked in coupling, or so it seems from deterministic models (Bodmer and Parsons, 1962). However, Dr. W. J. Ewens has kindly shown me some of his unpublished work demonstrating that with a stochastic model the conditions favorable to the spread of a new mutation may be close linkage or loose linkage, according to the circumstances. Thus the gain in fitness given to those lines in which a new mutation is spreading may produce selection for looser linkage; on the other hand, sometimes it will cause selection for tight linkage. Until we know whether one kind of selection is commoner than the other, we are no nearer to solving our problem; therefore we will
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