A experiment was carried out on Influence of nutrient sources on growth and yield of field pea (PisumSativum L. arvense at Agriculture farm, Department of Agronomy, Mewar University, during Rabi–2022-23, The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design comprising with nine treatments viz., T1-25% RDF + 25% VC + 50% FYM +Rhizobium, T2-25% RDF + 50% VC +25% FYM + Rhizobium, T3- 25% RDF + 75% VC + 0% FYM +Rhizobium, T4- 50% RDF + 0% VC+ 50% FYM + Rhizobium, T5- 50% RDF + 50% VC + 0% FYM+ Rhizobium, T6-50% RDF + 25% VC + 25% FYM+ Rhizobium, T7- 75% RDF + 25% VC + 0% FYM + Rhizobium, T8-75% RDF +0% VC+ 25% FYM + Rhizobium, T9-Control, with three replications. Theminimum days (9.08 days ) was germination of seeds in T8 (75% RDF +25% VC+ 25% FYM + Rhizobium), At 90 days after sowing, the highest plant height (92.83) was measured in T3 (25% RDF + 75% VC + 0% FYM +Rhizobium) treatment, the lowest number of days to first flowering (44.42) was observed in T6- (50% RDF + 25% VC+ 25% FYM + Rhizobium), highest average number of pods per plant (24.75) was designated in T6 (50% RDF + 25% VC + 25% FYM+ Rhizobium), days to pod set of pea.,while the least number of days to pod set (63.67) was identified in T6 (50% RDF + 25% VC+ 25% FYM + Rhizobium). Date collected from T4 (50% RDF + 0% VC+ 50% FYM + Rhizobium) was found to have the longest pods, measuring (7.43 cm) in length, the highest number of seeds per pod (7.33) was found in T8 (75% RDF +0% VC+ 25% FYM + Rhizobium) and a significant variation was observed on seed yield. The maximum yield/plot (5.73) was recorded in T6 (50% RDF + 25% VC + 25% FYM+ Rhizobium).
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