Abstract Absolute calibration of spaceborne microwave radiometer observations consists of accurate determination of antenna cold space spillover, cross-polarization contamination, and nonlinearity coefficients of the receivers. We deem the GMI sensor to be the most accurate calibrated spaceborne microwave radiometer due to its unique calibration design features and its carefully planned orbit maneuvers. We demonstrate how to transfer the GMI calibration to other spaceborne radiometers, whose operations have sufficient time overlap with GMI. Specifically, we show results for WindSat and AMSR2. The sensor intercalibration is based on brightness temperature matchups between GMI and the other instruments over both open ocean and rainforest scenes. To assess the calibration accuracy, we compare the intercalibrated brightness temperatures with radiative transfer model calculations. In addition, we provide in situ validation results for wind speed and water vapor retrievals from the intercalibrated sensors. The intercalibration methodology allows for the creation of a multidecadal climate data record from passive microwave satellite observations. Significance Statement Creating a long-term climate data record of satellite observations of ocean winds, water vapor, and other variables requires careful and accurate calibration of the various sensors that are used. In particular, it is important to achieve the best possible consistency between the measurements from all the different instruments. This is a challenging task as the configuration and accuracy of these instruments can differ widely. The purpose of our paper is to demonstrate and validate the basic methodology for performing this intercalibration. The backbone of our method is data observed by a well-calibrated sensor that measures the passive microwave emission from Earth’s surface and atmosphere. We show how to transfer its calibration standard to other sensors.
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