Objective: We presented 4000 cases of intrafallopian transfer of ova immediately after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (RAPID ICSI-ZIFT) for treatment of severe male factor infertility in 57th annual meeting of ASRM 2001, in the present study we want to evaluate the effect of a 3 month course of GNRH agonist administered immediately before RAPID ICSI-ZIFT in infertile patients with endometriosis. Design: Prospective randomized trial in a private and university ART center. Materials and Methods: 50 patients received three courses of a long-acting GNRH agonist. Triptorelin lactide (Decapeptyl Pharma Biotech-sines France) 3.75 mg IM every 28 days followed by standard controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. Fifty two patients received standard controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with midluteal phase GNRH agonist down regulation. Candidates were infertile patients with endometriosis and at least one patent fallopian tube documented at laparoscopy within 60 months of cycle initiation (Range 2–55 months). All patients had regular menses (every 26–33 days). Patients with early follicular phase greater than 12 mIU/ml and evidence of ovarian endometrioma were excluded. Patients were randomized into two groups by using a computer generated random number (IRB approved). Group 1 consisted of 50 patients who received a depot preperation of the GNRH agonist Decapeptyl 3.75 mg IM. every 28 days for three injections. The first injection was administered during the early follicular phase. Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation consisted of standard GNRH agonist down-regulation using LH/RH agonist buserlin (suprefact) HMG combinations in the form of a long protocol and transvaginal ultrasound guided oocyte retrieval, ICSI and laparoscopic tubal transfer within 45 days of the last decapeptyl injection. Group 2 consisted of 52 controls with endometriosis who did not receive the long-acting GNRH agonist but instead underwent standard controlled ovarian hyperstimulation regimens. Results: Baseline clinical data did not differ significantly in terms of age (Y), group I, 33.12 ± 0.67 (Range 28–39) group II, 32 ± 0.56 (Range 27–39) early follicular phase serum FSH group I, 6.17 ± 0.54 mIU/ml group II, 7.32 ± 0.32. Estradiol group I, 36.26 ± 5.37 (pg/ml) group II, 30.33± 4.84. Interval between the most recent surgical intervention and cycle onset group I, 14.52 ± 2.45 (MO) group II, 17.58 ± 2.4 (MO) surgical technique used, however significantly greater proportion of group I patients than group II patients had stages III or IV endometriosis. Group I, 21 and group II, 15 (p<0.05). The groups did not differ with regard to total Gonadotropin dose. Group I, 42 ± 3.21 (75 IU Ampules) or days of administration. Group I, 10.12 ± 0.43 and group II, 10.08 ± 0.21, number of oocytes obtained, group I, 14.84 ± 1.5, group II, 15.23 ± 1.56 number of embryo transferred. Group I, 3.28 ± 0.19 and group II, 3.04 ± 0.2. The implatation rate in group I, was 38.7% and only 20.2% in group II (p-value = 0.002). The clinical pregnancy rates were 45.5% and 18.6%, respectively (p-value = 0.007). Conclusion: The pregnancy and implantation rates were significantly higher in prolonged gonadotropin-releasing hormon agonist therapy on the outcome of Rapid ICSI-ZIFT in patients with endometriosis.