Objective: To analyse the morphometric measurements of different parameters of adult dry humerii bones with reference to its clinical importance in different surgical conditions. Bones were available in the department of Anatomy, King Edward Medical University Lahore Pakistan. Methods: Across sectional morphometric study which was done from 1st March 2021 to 30th April 2021 in the department of anatomy by having 60 dry humerii. Bones which were not in good condition or damaged by any means were excluded from study. Different parameters like maximum length of humerus, distance of nutrient foramina from the different ends of humerus and the circumferential diameter of shaft at the level of nutrient foramen were also noted. The number, distance and site of nutrient foramina were noted macroscopically by using a vernier caliper, measuring scale and metallic wire. Ethical clearance was taken from Ethical review board of King Edward medical university. Results: The number of right sided humerii were 31 and the number of left humerii were 29. The number of nutrient foramen varies in right and left side. On the right side the number of nutrient foramina were more as compared to the left side. Out of total right sided; 9 humerii were having double nutrient foramen and out of total left sided humerii ; the double nutrient foramen was found in only 1. When it compared to this study, the results for total length of humerus between right and left side it showed no significant difference as p-value was 0.311. But when it compared to the diameter between the two groups it showed the significant difference as p-value is < 0.05. Conclusion: It is concluded that variations in the morphometry of humerus was present in current study. Such as humerus can have more than one nutrient foramen. Single nutrient foramen is mostly seen in both sides of humerii. Although there was no difference seen in the size and location of foramina and no statistical difference was found between maximum length of right and left humerii. But this study will add further knowledge of humerus into literature regarding variations in its morphology present in local population. This knowledge will also help clinicians during any type of reconstructive bone surgery.
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