Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have been exploited for {countless} application domains, most notably the surveillance of environments and habitats, which has already become a critical mission. As a result, WSNs have been implemented to monitor animal care and track their health status. However, excessive energy utilization and communication traffic on packet transmissions lead to system deterioration, especially whenever perceived information captured in the monitoring area is transferred to the access point over multiple dynamic sinks. Further to manage the energy and data transmission issue, the energy consumption and location aware routing protocol has been architected on the wireless Nano sensor nodes. In this article, a novel hybrid energy and location aware routing protocol to cloud enabled IoT based Wireless Sensor Network towards animal health monitoring and tracking has been proposed. However proposed data routing protocol incorporates the trace file for path selection for data transmission to base station using sink node. Trace file has been obtained on processing the cluster heads established in the network. Therefore, clustering of node in the network has to be achieved using LEACH protocol which enhances the network scalability and network lifetime by clustering the nodes with Metaheuristics constraints like location or node density comparability. The objective of the proposed model is to enhance the network scalability and energy consumption by establishing the multiple node clusters with high density cluster head through Metaheuristics Node Clustering optimization techniques. Metaheuristics based node clustering is been obtained using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization. Further it is employed to compute the optimal path for sensed data transmission to base station. Node clustering provides high energy consumption among the sensing nodes and to establish the high energy clusters towards sensed information dissemination to base station on dynamically reforming the nodes clusters with respect to Node density and node location. Simulation analysis of the proposed energy efficient routing protocol provides high performance in energy utilization, packet delivery ratio, packet loss and Average delay compared against the conventional protocols on propagation of the data through sink node to base station
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