Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS) is a common chronic sleeping respiratory condition. Screening for OSAHS approaches based on sleep breathing sounds has received much attention since it can provide fully noncontact monitoring at home. Deploying a diagnostic sound-based OSAHS system on a smartphone not only interferes with regular phone use but may also pose privacy problems, as well as suffer from decreasing accuracy owing to device variances. This work describes a local OSAHS monitoring system implementation designed for a dedicated device to estimate the apnea-hypopnea index and screening for OSAHS while doing away with concerns about the abovementioned issue. The OSAHS screening system is deployed on a Kendryte K510 (Canaan Inc.), a low-power RISC-V 64-bit CPU that has 2.5 TFLOPS, to analyze sleep breath sounds in a 9-s window. The design results are relatively low-cost and efficient for screening severe OSAHS. The equipment can be further used as a platform to evaluate the performance of the OSAHS diagnosis model.
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