If you something you find interesting, you will learn something interesting. This quote is from Atul Gawande, surgeon and author of Better: A Surgeon's Notes on Performance (Picador, 2008), in which he engagingly describes the difficulties and successes confronted when new knowledge requires changes in practice. He describes how--under the very best of conditions and good intentions--implementation can fail, yet under the worst of conditions, the opposite can occur. The keys to improved performance in medicine, Dr. Gawande says, are doing right, ingenuity, and diligence. The parallels for education are striking. Gawande tells how, when data clearly showed that the rate of hospital infections could be lowered if staff always thoroughly washed their hands before touching patients, it seemed like an easy fix: Require hand washing before touching a patient. Hospital staff bought into the logic and tried to follow the rules, yet only complied one-third to one-half as often as they needed to comply. Sometimes, they skipped this critical step because of the unbearable dryness caused from many, many hand washings a day. Other gaps in implementation happened for simple reasons, such as not wanting to offend the family member who warmly greeted the doctor with outstretched hand, thwarting the doctor's intention to follow germ-free guidelines. Ingenuity Yet Dr. Gawande also describes how medical personnel in challenging Third World environments often get results. His stories range from the doctor who had to send a family member to the local hardware store for the plastic tubing he needed to do emergency surgery to the field staff trying to improve local health practices. When health workers tried to disseminate proven means of improving children's nutrition, they were faced with a consistent lack of community support. Community leaders would nod their heads in agreement, but when the medical staff left, they went back to their old practices. So ingenious health workers asked local leaders to determine whether any children in the community were healthier than the rest, and to find out why. Those leaders did identify a local mother whose children were far healthier, and they were able to see how she had successfully adapted local food sources and prepared food in a noncustomary manner. Dr. Gawande identifies such an innovator (the mother) as a deviant--an individual who identifies and takes a nontraditional route that gets positive results. With a little encouragement, the community began to model its practices after hers--improving children's nutrition in a manner more valued because it emerged locally and within cultural norms. Diligence Gawande defines diligence as the necessity of giving sufficient attention to detail to avoid error and prevail against obstacles. One means of giving sufficient attention to detail is counting something. (If you something you find interesting, you will learn something interesting.) Although he contends that it really doesn't matter what you count--as long as you count--it only makes sense to pay attention to the details of information that appear to matter. In education, we're beginning to get better at that. Campaign for Quality Education Data The latest state survey from the Data Quality Campaign finds that the number of states with data systems that can successfully count important facets of schooling has appeared to reach a tipping point. For example, state technology directors report that they can answer the following questions: * Which schools produce the strongest academic growth for their students? (39 states collect the data needed to answer this question, up from 21 in 2005.) * What achievement levels in middle school indicate that a student is on track to succeed in rigorous courses in high school? (12 states, up from 3 in 2005.) * What is the state's graduation rate, according to the calculation agreed to in the 2005 National Governors Association compact? …
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