Getting Closer to the Public, Local Government Training Board, 1987, pp.96, £5.00. Central and Local Government Relations: A Comparative Analysis of West European Unitary States, Edward C. Page and Michael J. Goldsmith (eds), Sage, 1987, pp.179, £25.00. Decentralization and Local Government, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol.3, no.2, Summer 1987, Oxford University Press, no price quoted. Rent Control, R. Albon and D. C. Stafford, Croom Helm, pp.128, £22.50. The Rise and Fall of the Socialist Republic: A History of the South Yorkshire County Council, Alan Clarke, Sheaf Publishing, 1987, pp.120, £2.95 (available, £1 postage and packaging, from Sheaf Publishing, 35 Mooroaks Road Sheffield S10 1BX). Economic Development Policies: An Evaluative Study of the Newcastle Metropolitan Region, F. Robinson, C. Wren and J. Goddard, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1987, pp.146, £8.95 paperback. Monitoring and Evaluation of Local Economic Development, Andrew Coulson, Local Government Training Board and Coventry Open Tech Unit, 1987, pp.184, £48.50. Environment and Economic Development in the Regions of the European Community, Frank Joyce and Gunter Schneider, Gower, 1988, pp.148, £18.50. Job Sharing: Putting Policy into Practice ‐ The Local Authority Experience, New Ways to Work (309 Upper St, London NI 2TY), 1987, pp.77, £6.00. Two Track Training: Sex Inequalities and the YTS, C. Cockburn, Macmillan Education Limited, 1987, pp.227, £7.95. Racism and Equal Opportunity Policies in the 1980s, Richard Jenkins and John Solomos (eds), Cambridge University Press, 1987, £25.00.
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