Expansion of exchange amplitudes, in inverse powers of a momentum, as a means of generating local exchange potentials has been studied further. The first term in such expansions varies inversely as the square of the momentum. Huo [J. Chem. Phys. 67, 5133 (1977)] obtained a local exchange potential by replacing a momentum by its average value obtained from a semiclassical model. The Xα potential with α=1 was obtained. The present research shows that mometum squared should be averaged and this leads to the Xα potential with α=20/27. The potentials were tested numerically for beryllium and although the potential with α=20/27 was superior in some instances to that with α=1, this was not always the case. In fact, for general all around use, α=1 provided best results. This apparent contradiction has been resolved by extending the expansion of exchange amplitude by one more term and using the semiclassical model to obtain the averages. The Xα potential is again obtained but with a α=80/81, a value differing negligibly from unity. Using the known behavior of exchange amplitudes in the complex momentum plane, a method is developed for testing the convergence of expansions in inverse powers of the momentum. The power series expansions are shown to be divergent. This provides a plausible explanation for the infinities at r=0 observed by Huo and shows that inclusion of more and more terms cannot lead to an exact amplitude. Although divergent, the series are asymptotic, i.e., they hold more accurately as the momentum increases as long as only a few terms are used. Therefore, the formulas obtained by Huo are approximately correct since she showed that the average momenta are large. Some different method must be found, however, for improving the accuracy. Two expansions in series of orthogonal polynomials are developed for which the first term gives a local exchange potential. The convergence region of each series is determined.