Temporal and spatial distribution patterns of a population of Talitrus saltator living on the Tyrrhe- nian coast of Tuscany (Italy) were studied. Bimonthly surveys were performed from March 1991 to January 1992 along transects using a standard system of pitfall traps and sieves for surface-active and burrowed indi- viduals, respectively. Captured individuals were subdi- vided into sex and age classes (on the basis of the number of articles of the flagellum of the second an- tenna). Abundances were calculated for each sampling period and sex ratios were determined. For each sampling period the mean hour of surface activity was calculated together with the mean zonation of both surface-active and burrowing sandhoppers belonging to the different sex and age classes. Shifts in mean zonation between the resting and active phase were also deter- mined. For each category of sex, age, and reproductive phase, simple and multiple regression analyses were used to find relationships of the mean zonation of surface- active animals with climatic data, and of the number of burrowed individuals with surface sand parameters recorded in correspondence to the sieves. On the whole, the results show that this Tyrrhenian population of T. saltator exhibited a bivoltine reproductive cycle and that the sex ratios of active sandhoppers were male or female biased according to the season. The variations in the mean hour of surface activity and in the zonation patterns of sandhoppers depended more on the age than on the sex. Furthermore distribution patterns were generally related to seasonal changes in the local climatic and substrate parameters. The observed differences be- tween burrowing and activity zonations were interpreted on the basis of the nocturnal migrations of the different categories.