Ultimate goal of the work described in this paper has been the construction of a local causal model of quantum theory including quantum field theory. The original model has been refined in a number of refinement steps. As the so far latest refinement step, quantum loops are identified as the elementary processes of spacetime dynamics and quantum field dynamics. Quantum loops are processes that constitute quantum objects. In the causal model of quantum loops and quantum objects presented here, the collective behavioral processes involve the elementary units of spacetime and the associated elementary units of quantum of fields. As such, quantum loop processes are the sources of gravitational fields (i.e., spacetime curvature) and of the quantum objects (wave function). The model may be viewed as a derivative of loop quantum gravity, spin networks and causal dynamical triangulation, although significant deviations to these theories exist. The causal model of quantum loops is based on a causal model of spacetime dynamics where space (-time) consists of interconnected space points, each of which is connected to a small number of neighboring space points. The curvature of spacetime is expressed by the density of these space points and by the arrangement of the connections between them. The quantum loop emerges in a collective behavioral process from a collection of space points that carry energy and quantum field attributes. The paper is considered by the author to represent a fairly complete causal model, except for some processes whose detailed behaviour needs to be determined by use of further computer simulations.