The early work of Wei et al. has shown that it is possible to do the computation in constant time for quantum search in quantum local adiabatic evolution framework if the system Hamiltonian has an extra enlarged factor proportional to the square-root of the size of the problem. Also in our prior work, we have shown that it is possible to apply a linear interpolating path in the system Hamiltonian to achieve an O(1) time complexity for a quantum global adiabatic computation. In this paper, we discuss the issues when implementing these two quantum algorithms on the quantum circuit model, and find that to our surprise, the time slices produced does not equal to the time complexity of the algorithm in each case. This is in contrast to the previous related results, because there these two quantities always coincide. When taking into account of the whole energy-level increase of the system compared with that of the usual quantum adiabatic evolutions and the corresponding time complexity simultaneously, we find that the time slices needed always consist of the two quantities multiplying together. This result is new, and may be hopeful to find application in designing quantum adiabatic algorithm for problems beyond quantum search.
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