The interconnection of numerous standalone MGs leads towards the establishment of an isolated MMG system. The MMG system is a complex nonlinear system that creates functioning decline as a result of inadequate dampening under the unanticipated variability in the load demand and the generated power from sources of renewable energy catalogue. Nonlinear nature also comes in the system due to the variations in the system parameter and dynamically altering loading conditions. So, in the present work, a standalone MMG system with two areas system through renewable penetration, the operation of QOHSA aimed at the gain optimisation of MS-PID controller is exploited for limiting variation in power and frequency due to generation and load demand perturbation. The practicality of the considered controller (i.e. MS-PID) is unearthed by comparing the dynamic characteristics of isolated MMG systems along with other controllers like I, PI and PID controllers (i.e. classical controllers). The MS-PID controller configuration sustains the deviation of frequency under ±0.00249 Hz and ±0.0583 Hz for step and random change in load demand, respectively. The sensitivity analysis is executed to present the suitability for the extensive adaptations in the magnitude of MG parameters along with the circumstances of step/random load perturbation.
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