This study describes the identification of a sex pheromone component of a cossid moth, Cossus insularis. Coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analysis of solid-phase microextraction (SPME) collections of volatiles released by live female moths showed that two compounds elicited EAG responses from the antennae of male moths. These compounds were identified as (E)-3-tetradecenyl acetate (E3-14:Ac) and (Z)-3-tetradecenyl acetate (Z3-14:Ac) by mass spectral analysis and retention index comparisons with synthetic standards. The ratio of E3-14:Ac and Z3-14:Ac was 95:5 in the effluvia of a female. In field bioassays, sticky traps baited with blends of E3-14:Ac and Z3-14:Ac showed that E3-14:Ac is an essential component of the pheromone. However, the role of Z3-14:Ac is unclear, because E3-14:Ac as a single component was as attractive to male moths as blends of E3-14:Ac and Z3-14:Ac, including the 95:5 blend released by live female moths.