Abstract An early phase of the Littorina transgression is 14C dated at 6800–7000 B.P. (plant material at 2–3 m above sea level). It corresponds to the first Atlantic transgression in Blekinge and western Skåne. The highest mean water level of the Littorina Sea was at ca. 5 m above sea-level. By analogy with western Skåne and Blekinge it is suggested that this level was attained in the time range 5500-4500 B.P. During this interval the highest Littorina beach ridges were formed at 6.5–7 m. A gastropod fauna found in a lime gyttja overlain by the highest Littorina beach ridge includes Discus ruderatus (but not D. rotundatus). The fauna is compared with a Recent to ‘sub-Recent’ fauna containing D. rotundatus but lacking D. ruderatus. D. ruderatus (a boreo-alpine species today) might have persisted into the Atlantic stage or longer as a relict from a cooler climatic stage.
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