The main technologies adopted in the copper and lead reduction industries include the Vanyukov, QSL, SKS, Kivcet, Ausmelt, and ISA furnaces (Hongjiu, 2001; Kojo, Jokilaakso, and Hanniala, 2000). From a fundamental theoretical viewpoint, all of these technologies can be classified as reduction bath smelting furnaces, which are the major research focus in nonferrous metallurgy. However, some of the important physical phenomena and chemical processes inside the furnace remain unknown because of the harsh reaction environments. Fortunately, numerical simulation methods, particularly computational fluid dynamics (CFD), provide an efficient way to study their internal processes. With the development of computer software, many good CFD platforms have been released, such as Fluent and CFX. CFD has become an indispensable tool for the design and optimization of complex chemical reactors. Typical applications included the blast furnace (BF) and aluminum reduction cell. In the copper industry, some papers have been published on numerical studies of the flow pattern. The representative work in this area was carried out by Valencia and co-workers at the Institute for Innovation in Mining and Metallurgy, University of Chile ((Vaencia et al., 2004, 2006; Fuentes et al., 2002). They conducted numerical and experimental studies of the fluid dynamics in a Teniente-type copper converter. A three-dimensional simulation of the three-phase system was carried out using the volume of fluid (VOF) and the standard k e turbulence models implemented in a commercial solver. Their numerical model included the white metal and slag liquid phases, and gas phase through air injection from 50 submerged tuyeres, and experimental observations were carried out in a 1:5-scale water container. The results of these investigations enabled the operation conditions to be optimized. Real (2007) also studied the flow characterization of Peirce-Smith copper converters. Although good results were obtained from the slice model, unfortunately it could not provide the entire flow field distribution of the furnace. Liow and Gray (1990) experimentally studied the formation of standing waves in a water model of a PeirceSmith converter. The results showed that it was possible to obtain regions in the bath depth and tuyere angle/tuyere submergence plots where no standing waves were found and spitting was minimal. Kulkarni and Joshi (2005) presented a comprehensive review of bubble formation and bubble rise velocity in gas-liquid systems. In China, Professor Chi Mei and his group at Central South University (Li, Mei, and Zhang, 2001; Rao, 2010; Li, Chi, and Zhang, 2001; Chen, 2002; Mei et al., 2003) have focused mainly on the reaction kinetics, flow field, and industrial experiments on the copper flash smelting furnace. Numerical simulation of multiphase flow in a Vanyukov furnace