Plasma lipid levels are altered in chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease as well as during acute stresses such as fasting and cold exposure. Advances in MS-based lipidomics have uncovered a complex plasma lipidome of more than 500 lipids that serve functional roles, including as energy substrates and signaling molecules. This plasma lipid pool is maintained through regulation of tissue production, secretion, and uptake. A major challenge in understanding the lipidome complexity is establishing the tissues of origin and uptake for various plasma lipids, which is valuable for determining lipid functions. Using cold exposure as an acute stress, we performed global lipidomics on plasma and in nine tissues that may contribute to the circulating lipid pool. We found that numerous species of plasma acylcarnitines (ACars) and ceramides (Cers) were significantly altered upon cold exposure. Through computational assessment, we identified the liver and brown adipose tissue as major contributors and consumers of circulating ACars, in agreement with our previous work. We further identified the kidney and intestine as novel contributors to the circulating ACar pool and validated these findings with gene expression analysis. Regression analysis also identified that the brown adipose tissue and kidney are interactors with the plasma Cer pool. Taken together, these studies provide an adaptable computational tool to assess tissue contribution to the plasma lipid pool. Our findings have further implications in understanding the function of plasma ACars and Cers, which are elevated in metabolic diseases.
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