The aim of the research was to form connections between separate groups of microorganisms as a part of groups of gray forest soil (Haplic Luvisol) during the cultivation of spring wheat with the use of various fertilizers and liming systems. Research methods: microbiological, laboratory-analytical, statistical. The research was carried out in the landfill monitoring system on the basis of a stationary experiment of the Department of Agrosoil Science and Soil Microbiology at the NSC “Institute of Agriculture of NAAS” - Development and improvement of intensive cultivation technologies of agricultural crops on the basis of the expanded soil fertility reproduction. The main results of the study: The number of ammonifiers is positively correlated with the total number of microorganisms (0,955), the number of mineral nitrogen immobilizers, denitrifiers, nitrifiers, cellulose-destroying bacteria, actin- and micromycetes, the coefficient of nitrogen mineralization compounds, the total biological activity (0,911). The conclusions of previous research are confirmed: Azotobacter is not a diagnostic microorganism for effective soil fertility, as evidenced by the insignificance of the correlation coefficients between the number of Azotobacter and the yield of spring wheat (0,265), winter wheat (0,131), soybeans (0,303). The number of Azotobacter correlates inversely with most of the studied indicators, especially significant - with the number of polysaccharide-synthesizing microorganisms, actinomycetes, melanin-synthesizing micromycetes (-0,719), acid-forming microorganisms (- 0,611), physiological and biochemical activity of own cells, pedotrophic index. The direct nature of the relationship is established between the number of polysaccharide-synthesizing microorganisms as a diagnostic group for the optimal mineral nutrition of plants and the number of mineral nitrogen immobilizers (0,854), pedotrophs (0,970), cellulose-destructive (0,724) and autochthonous (0,878) microorganisms, actinomycetes, micromycetes, the total number of microorganisms (0,588), probability of colony formation of denitrifiers, autochthonous microorganisms and micromycetes, nitrogen mineralization coefficient, total biological activity (0,646). Indigenous microorganisms show a high level of direct dependence on the number of mineral nitrogen immobilizers, pedotrophs, cellulose-destroying and polysaccharide-synthesizing microorganisms, the total number of microorganisms, physiological and biochemical activity of denitrifiers and own cells (0,935).