Let X be a projective variety. The conditions that guarantee projective normality and quadratic generations of the ideal defining the embedding of X were studied classically. These results of Mumford et al. were considered by Mark Green as the first step towards understanding the higher syzygies. We say that a line bundle L on X satisfies Property Np if the ideal defining the embedding of X in the complete linear system of L is generated by quadratic equations and has linear syzygies till p stage (see [2]). In [3], Green introduced the notion of Koszul cohomology and proved that vanishing of certain higher Koszul cohomology is equivalent to the Property Np. In [4], it was proved that the required higher Koszul cohomology groups vanish for sufficiently ample line bundles ([4, Theorem 3.2]). However, the proof given in [4] makes a tacit assumption that the ideal sheaf of the diagonal embedding of X in its two-fold product X is locally free which is not true. If X is a smooth projective variety, using different methods, L. Ein and R. Lazarsfeld obtained an effective bound on the power of L required for satisfying Property Np (see [2]). In this article, we give a criterion for a line bundle L to have Property Np in terms of vanishing of certain first cohomology. Our method does not assume the smoothness of X. Using this criterion, we see that sufficiently high power of L will have property Np for fixed p. Therefore, we also see that higher Koszul cohomology of a sufficiently high power of an ample line bundle vanish. This answers the question 5.13 of [3]. Here, we would like to mention that when X is a smooth variety, a vanishing theorem of M. Nori can also be used to answer this question ([8, Proposition 3.4]).