Malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies during infancy and early childhood are major problems facing developing countries, particularly Cameroon. This study aimed to formulate highly nutritious infant foods from locally available and affordable raw materials: orange-fleshed sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.), beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) grown in Cameroon. The formulated diets were analysed for their proximate (protein, fat, ash, fibre, carbohydrates), mineral (iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus), and antinutritional contents using standard methods. They were compared with the FAO/WHO standards. A total of two formulations were produced, with compositional proportions calculated based on recommended daily allowances (RDAs) for young children. The formulated ingredient varied 57-58% sweet potato, 23-25% beans, and 18-19% peanut. The linear programming method combined the samples into different formulations to meet FAO/WHO/UNICEF requirements. The results showed that the nutritional composition of the flour on a dry weight basis was as follows: crude protein: 12.66-13.66g/100g, lipid: 8.95-9.13g/100g, carbohydrates: 61.58-63.71g/100g, fibre: 5.58-6.22g/100g, ash: 3.82-4.64g/100g, energy: 381.53-387.65 Kcal, iron 9.45-10.46mg/100g, zinc 3.00-4.24mg/100g. The proximate contents of the formulated flours meet the FAO/WHO standards, except the energy content. The results of the study showed that the formulated diets contain very low antinutritional factors (phytate: 0.12 mg/100g and trypsin inhibitory content 0.30 to 0.35mg/100g). Based on the results, the complementary food formulated from sweet potato, beans, and peanut flour is a good source of protein, iron, and zinc and would contribute to the daily requirements of infants and young children.
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