Two problems of nonlinear guaranteed estimation for states of dynamical systems are considered. It is supposed that unknown measurable in $t$ disturbances are linearly included in the equation of motion and are additive in the measurement equations. These disturbances are constrained by nonlinear integral functionals, one of which is analog of functional of the generalized work. The studied problem consists in creation of the information sets according to measurement data containing the true position of the trajectory. The dynamic programming approach is used. If the first functional requires solving a nonlinear equation in partial derivatives of the first order which is not always possible, then for functional of the generalized work it is enough to find a solution of the linear Lyapunov equation of the first order that significantly simplifies the problem. Nevertheless, even in this case it is necessary to impose additional conditions on the system parameters in order for the system trajectory of the observed signal to exist. If the motion equation is linear in state variable, then many assumptions are carried out automatically. For this case the issue of mutual approximation of information sets via inclusion for different functionals is discussed. In conclusion, the most transparent linear quadratic case is considered. The statement is illustrated by examples.
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