Grating-based spectral shaping (SS) combined with wavelength-to-time (WTT) mapping has proved to be an essential approach to the photonic generation of linearly frequency-modulated (LFM) pulses due to its potential to yield the large time-bandwidth product (TBWP) and to be fully integrated. One of the most challenging issues of chip-level integration is the grating-induced reflection which may significantly impact the laser source. Since the on-chip nonreciprocal devices such as optical isolators and circulators remain difficult to realize, a silicon-integrated anti-reflection spectral shaper based on a Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI) comprising two linearly chirped grating-assisted contra-directional couplers (LCGA-CDCs) has been proposed and demonstrated. Thanks to the isolation between the input and output ports of the contra-directional couplers, the reported shaper presents an effective suppression of the reflecting power returned to its input port with a measured rejection ratio of around −10 dB covering the entire C-band. To predict the instantaneous frequency responses of the generated microwave pulses, an equivalent asymmetric MZI configuration with wavelength-dependent length difference has also been introduced to explain the mechanism of SS. Two negatively correlated LFM waveforms with up-chirped profiles and large TBWPs of 45.60 and 53.52 are simultaneously generated using a fabricated sample. Our work paves the way for an all-optical integration of the photonic-assisted isolator-free LFM pulse generation, presenting great potential for multiple application scenarios in pulsed radar systems.
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