Purpose: To study the spatial resolution achievable by dose modulation in a water phantom using a multi-leaf collimator, jaws and their combination. To estimate the power spectrum density of the useful signal (dose distribution) and statistical noise, evaluate the frequency interval containing the useful signal.
 Material and methods: Using the Gafchromic EBT2 radiochromic film, nested squares dose patterns formed in a water-equivalent phantom by 6 and 15 MV photon beams of the TrueBeam medical accelerator, jaws, a multi-leaf collimator, and a combination of these devices were measured. Dose response to step function (ESF) data was extracted from the penumbra and the linear photon source dose response function (LSF) was calculated. To move to frequency domain, fast Fourier transform was performed over the obtained datasets, as well as over individual LSF peaks, and then power spectra densities were calculated. The Nyquist frequency associated with data sampling was 1.42 mm-1, the Hann window was used to minimize leakage effect.
 Results: The shape of the obtained LSF peaks was approximated by a sum of two Gaussian distributions with the same center positions but different widths. The LSF peak width at half maximum (FWHM) was 1.7-3.9 mm depending on the modulation device. No significant difference was observed in the peak widths at energies of 6 and 15 MV. In most cases, the width of the peak along the X-axis was wider than along the Y-axis. The power spectrum of the useful signal had a maximum near zero frequency, a 50 % level was near 0.09 mm-1 and its high frequency limit was about 0.4 mm-1. Above this value, only the spectrum of statistical noise was recorded, uniformly distributed over frequency.
 Conclusion: The obtained values of the LSF peak width in the range 1.7-3.9 mm characterize the ability of dose modulation by the considered devices or their combination, which can be significant for treatment of small targets (less than 3-4 cm), where these limits of spatial resolution can be reached. The obtained relationships in frequency domain can be used for optimal removal of statistical noise using Wiener filters from profiles or two-dimensional dose distributions.
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