A multiparameter observation task includes a comprehensive theme with multiple indispensable parameters that need to be monitored simultaneously. However, with limited observation sensor resources for a multiparameter observation task, the spatial misalignment of the coverage area of each parameter decreases the observation efficiency, especially in a space-ground sensor network. To solve this problem, we developed a collaborative planning method in the sensor planning phase. With this method, a space-ground maximal coverage model with multiple parameters (SGMC-MP) was introduced. The proposed collaborative planning method cooperatively utilizes the space-ground sensors to make an observation plan. This method aims to maximize the overlay coverage range among the parameters in the task to reduce the spatial misalignment and improve the utilization of the sensors. The proposed method was applied to a multiparameter observation task in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in Chongqing. The results indicate that the proposed method exhibits better coverage performance for sensor planning in the multiparameter observation task than the traditional separate planning method. In addition, planning strategies, coverage flexibility, model extension, and algorithm comparison are further discussed.